Post-holiday carpet cleaning: Eastbourne cleans up!
Office parties, social events, Christmas dinners and drinks evenings can all take their toll on your carpets!
If you find that your business or office is looking a little the worse for wear in the wake of the festivities, you might be thinking about what is involved in professional carpet cleaning. Eastbourne is of course home to many offices, shops and businesses as well as guesthouses and hotels, and every business owner knows that first impressions count. A dirty, dingy carpet does not provide a very warm welcome to your visitors, nor does it give a very good first impression of your company!
There are several tips that you can employ to deal with spills and minimise the damage to your carpets, in order to limit staining and increase the chances of your carpets being brought back to good condition later on with professional carpet cleaning. Here are our tips on how to deal with spills and stains.
- Act quickly- the longer that you leave a liquid or mark on the carpet, the harder it will be to tackle.
- Blot or scrape off any excess of the spillage prior to trying to tackle the mark.
- If you are in doubt about the origin of any spillage or stain, remove any excess but then leave the mark alone until you can hire a professional, as some substances will react with other agents and can serve to set the stain more firmly.Do not soak the carpet or get it wetter than it needs to be when trying to remove a stain or substance.
- Always blot liquids, do not wipe or scrub them.
- Keep a gentle washing detergent designed for natural fibres (such as silk and wool) to hand to wash any dirty marks.
- Use cold or warm water when removing marks, as hot water can help to set stains.
- Always start at the outer edges of any mark and work inwards, as starting from the middle and working out can serve to spread the patch of discolouration!
There is a lot of merit to dealing with spillages as soon as you spot them, and not leaving them to set into the carpet. If a stain has been allowed to dry and become infused into the carpet pile, even professional cleaning may not be fully effective at removing it.
The best way to bring back the condition of your carpets, thoroughly clean them and remove in-ground dirt and smells is by calling on a firm that specialises in carpet cleaning. Eastbourne businesses usually do a brisk trade with shoppers and visitors during December, and Pure Cleaning is just a phone call away if you need advice on staining or help to tackle a carpet-related or cleaning emergency over the festive period!
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Please leave your details here and we’ll get back to you soon with a no obligation, great value quote for your cleaning services.
Monday to Friday: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
Saturday: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
Sunday: Closed
333 Seaside
East Sussex
BN22 7PA
We are proud to be a full member of the National Carpet Cleaners Association.